Saving Michael from Himself

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Last week, I took Michael (7) to get a haircut.

Michael: "I want it short on top and long in the back."

Me: "You want a mullet?!"

Michael [enthusiastically]: "Yes!"

Me: "No (f*ing) way" (parenthetical comment not spoken, but clearly indicated by my attitude.)

Michael: "Why not?"

Me: "You'll understand at your wedding when I'm showing photos of you when you were young."

Really, he'll thank me later.

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Leslie Irish Evans Reply

See, now THAT'S good parenting! I still occasionally see kids running around with mega-mullets with the "tail" running halfway down their backs. That's child abuse, if you ask me.

Danger Reply

I am sorry Tony, but you should have let his inner Billy Ray Cyrus come out and play. Now you will have to come up with some maudlin toast at his wedding instead of just showing off the photos.

Bob completely shaved his head last year (charity deal). I was totally worth it.

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