Crappy pepper

Why does the wait-staff offer freshly ground pepper for soups and salads?

First off, 99.9999999% of the time, I just got the damn thing; how do I know if it needs pepper?

Second, what's wrong with the pepper in the shaker? Oh, it's not as good? Then why the hell put in on the table? F

inally, if you're going to offer, grind out enough pepper to matter. The motions of grinding a peppermill do nothing for me or the dish. If you're doing to give me pepper, give me pepper until I tell you to stop. I don't care if your arms fall off from RSI.

This is one of Michelle's pet peeves. Now that she's pointed it out to me, it grates on me like fingernails on a chalkboard.

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Leslie Evans Reply

Oh, I do a whole standup bit about this. Makes me crazy, too. Our society allows me to drive a car. To bear children. Hell, if I wanted to, I could go BUY A GUN. (I know and you know I wouldn't but I COULD.) But there isn't one restaurant in this damn town that trusts me with my own pepper mill.

Leslie Evans Reply

Oh, I do a whole standup bit about this. Makes me crazy, too. Our society allows me to drive a car. To bear children. Hell, if I wanted to, I could go BUY A GUN. (I know and you know I wouldn't but I COULD.) But there isn't one restaurant in this damn town that trusts me with my own pepper mill.

Tony Reply

Sorry about your problems with Windows. That second mouse button really screws up some people...

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