OMG, this is funny. The Morning News has written the FAQ for shopping at IKEA like one of those game walkthrough FAQs. Here's a little sample:
As you enter the main area, you will see an EKHARD oiled solid-oak dining sideboard. Quickly kick it apart to acquire the TABLE LEG WITH NAIL.
As you continue through the main SHOWROOM you will see groups blocking the walkways while chatting and others moving against traffic. These people should be killed immediately.
This may not be as funny if you don't play computer games or ever visited IKEA, but I have tested it on Michelle, who is thoroughly non-gamey (unless you count TextTwist. She also gets a little gamey after a weekend with no shower, but that's another matter entirely) She howled and forwarded it to Mike. Of course, that might be because they spent the summer at IKEA during our remodel.
In the end, I liked it, and it's my damn blog. So there.
Michelle Reply
Anyone who has seen your office or your car knows why I'm breaking a sweat, Piggy!